Ginny (Claypool) Busic ’89, M.A. ’96 and Dick Busic ’62 provide remarks on the importance of giving to NCU at the 2012 Legacy Celebration event.
Four of my five immediate family members have graduated from this University. My wife Ginny, in fact, graduated three times, earning her associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s. Three family members were in school at the same time (an impossible feat without considerable scholarship support, as one can imagine). The personal friendships, nurture and direction received while at NCU created a deep sense of gratitude and a commitment to give back to the work of this institution of Christian higher education.
For over 100 years, lives have been nurtured and challenged through the Christian commitment of this University and those who support it.
Ginny and I have included NCU in our will, because we know the story of this University and believe it will continue true to its calling. We’ve personally come to see, in over 50 years of following this school, that each leader and professor brings his or her own gifts which God can use in that particular time and place. Rather than taking a “snap shot” of this journey, we are looking at the big picture with confidence that God is at work through Northwest Christian University.
We want to continue to support it, now and through our legacy.
We found it rather easy to do. We had a will; it needed to be updated. We’ve involved our family and most certainly thought of them in our plans, but we wanted to include support for institutions and services that express our core values.
It has brought us joy to know that our giving will continue even after our lives have finished their course here on earth. Procrastination is the biggest hurdle to joyful giving. Don’t wait – make the gift you always intended and make a significant difference for years to come.