NCU Students Use Sandwiches to Break Down Stereotypes

iStock_000015200163_LargeNorthwest Christian University students will hit the streets on Saturday, April 2, 2016, armed with 150 sandwiches, open ears, and warm hearts when they serve lunch to homeless men, women, and families living in Eugene’s downtown.

“Meeting homeless men and women where they are in their journey helps our students break down barriers and debunk stereotypes about some of our community’s most vulnerable neighbors,” said Jennifer M. Little, Coordinator for Campus Ministry. “We want our students to have an uncomfortable, yet safe, experience that inspires them to not be afraid to take an initiative to help others. Hopefully, a sandwich, a smile, and some conversation will help to lead those we meet to begin seeking the help they need and deserve, whether it is for battling addiction, mental illness, physical abuse, spiritual desolation, or job loss.”

NCU students will make sandwiches in the campus cafeteria from 9 am to 11 am on Saturday, April 2.  Afterward, the students will spread out downtown in various locations to pass out sandwiches and talk with those who will accept their offering.

About Northwest Christian University
Northwest Christian University is a liberal arts institution dedicated to providing a transformational education that champion’s wisdom, faith, and service. Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, the University was founded in 1895 and is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ. Northwest Christian University offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in traditional undergraduate, adult degree, and graduate program formats, as well as online programs for MBA and M.Ed. More information about the University is available at

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