Students Shine on ACE Day

Student presenters at ACE Day 2016Academic Creativity and Excellence Day or ACE Day, is Northwest Christian University’s semi-annual research colloquium for juniors and seniors. Nearly 40 students presented their capstone or end-of-term projects to faculty, staff and fellow students on campus Wed., Dec. 7, 2016.

Presenters provide a short overview of their project or research and then invited attendees to ask questions. Presentation formats included lectures, posters, panel discussions, performances, exhibitions, author talks or other creative formats.

“NCU’s ACE Day is a common format for sharing research findings across many academic fields, and gaining experience preparing a poster presentation is valuable preparation for students considering graduate school,” said Doyle Srader, Ph.D, professor of speech and communications.

ACE Day was founded on campus by Dr. Tim Bergquist, emeritus professor of quantitative business models.

Abstracts of each ACE Day presentation can be found online:

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