
51-Year Tradition Exceeds Expectations

The fifty-first annual Bash-Whisler Bible reading contest overshot expectations on a number of counts. We had the largest entry in several years, and all six of the students who won awards were first-time contestants. Two of the three finalists were freshmen, which means the future looks bright! This year’s semi-finalists were Lars Coburn, Brandon McGinnis…

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These are a Few of My Favorite Things

[wpvideo 4KVGfGJb]Being called to work at a Christian University is an incredible opportunity and something that I do not take for granted.  I am reminded daily that I have been blessed with this opportunity.   On our campus when students complete their finals and the campus becomes a bit more quiet, which for me often means…

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The Presence of God

My first semester at NCU has been one of the best experiences of my life. Before attending I was asked to be the newest member of Virtue, and it has been a challenging and worth-while experience. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to worship and travel with a group of people that has the same…

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Listen! Can You Hear That Music?

It’s that time of year! … wait, don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t mean the time of year when everyone spends all their money shopping, when gifts are given to every “good” child, nor that time of year when the electric bill doubles because of all the newly placed lights around the house. I…

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The Best Thing

George McDonald once said, “Man finds it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it.” This summer I had the opportunity to tour across the Northwest with my band, ER. This was…

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I hope you (students) . . . are ready for a great year.

The campus is abuzz with new and returning students beginning NCU’s 118th year. Wednesday, August 29 was the first day of classes and I thought I might share some of the thoughts surrounding the difference between “sight and vision” I conveyed to the campus community at Convocation Chapel: I hope you (students) . . ….

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Camp Counseling for Christ

Being a camp representative for Northwest Christian University over the summer was never seen as a heavy burden to me. I viewed the position of NCU Camp Rep as an opportunity to encourage youth to pursue their Christian walk in a community filled with a future of ministry opportunities. (Of course, you can’t forget the…

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Learning to Love My Enemies

Isaiah Blake, NCU Sophomore To traverse halfway across the world and experience a third-world country and return unaffected is what I would consider to be an impossible notion. What I witnessed in Cambodia, besides the obvious impoverished situation that the Khmer people live in, was a culture that harbors little respect for each other and focuses…

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I Bake Chocolate Chip Cookies

Dr. Doyle Srader, associate professor of speech and communication We were always excited when Connie paid us a visit. We were the Baylor debate team, and Connie was our coach’s wife. If she turned up, there was a possibility she had cookies. And oh, they would haunt your dreams: home-baked, melt-in-your-mouth good. When we asked…

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Seeking Purpose, Brittany Petersen ’12

People come to college searching for a lot of things. You would hope that on the top of that list of things that people search for is an education. That’s up for discretion. Most certainly some incoming college students are seeking gained knowledge. Some are seeking experiences. Some are seeking opportunities. Some are seeking relationships….

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