
What’s New at NCU?

Not me!  I’m not necessarily new to NCU.  I hold two degrees from the University, and I was on staff for nine years prior to moving to the Portland area in 2009.  Now, I’m back!  And I’m excited to share with you the new career development things I’ve been working on this summer. You’ve probably…

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Come On By and Say Hello! We Love To Have Visitors in The Library!

Welcome to all students! As you gear up for another academic year, we’d like to invite you to take a look at the library’s new web page and our collection of online research materials. You can see our website at nwcu.edu/library and the online research materials can be found in the left-hand column at “Search…

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Local Connections With Our History

We occasionally get people in the NCU Kellenberger library that have no connection with our school, but are researching some building, person, or event that does have some connection. Someone bought a house that used to be owned by the school and wanted its history. Somebody wanted pictures from the founding of Sacred Heart Hospital…

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