Northwest Christian University’s School of Education Thanks Local Teachers

Northwest Christian University’s School of Education would like to thank local teachers for choosing to be an educator. As a way of saying thanks, NCU has invited them to participate in a friendly competition among area elementary schools that could earn their school’s PTA/PTO a first-place prize of $500 or a second-place prize of $250….

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The Secret Life of Dr. Tim Bergquist

To students, alumni and staff at NCU, Tim Bergquist is known as the statistics professor, ACE Day Coordinator, and head of Quantitative Analysis. Yet there is a side to Dr. Bergquist that many do not know. In 1989 Dr. Bergquist’s sons gave him some Superman comics for Father’s day. This gift ignited a passion and…

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Be The Match!

This Wednesday from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm NCU is hosting a “Be The Match” bone marrow drive to raise awareness about the national bone marrow registry and get people involved in the program. This event, being held in the lobby of the Morse Event Center, is hosted by NCU junior Danielle Schmidt. Danielle is…

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Beautiful as the Rainbow

Dr. Song Nai Rhee, NCU professor and academic dean emeritus, publishes an inspirational romance novel, Beautiful as the Rainbow, by Inspiring Voices, a service of Guidepost. Moved after learning about the extraordinary life story of Nashimoto Masako, a beautiful Japanese princess of noble character, Dr. Song Nai Rhee felt compelled to pen Beautiful as the…

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Our Hope In Advent

By Loren Crow For liturgical Christians, the season of Advent is the beginning of the Church year. We start the year in expectation. At one level, Advent is the season in which we look forward to Christmas, with lots of readings from the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah’s coming. It’s an annual re-enactment of…

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12 Days of Christmas…for NCU

  In this time of giving and as we near the completion of 2013, many individuals are looking for ways to minimize their taxes and maximize their gifts? Here’s a list of 12 ways you can consider supporting NCU through charitable giving. 1. CASH A simple and common way to make a gift. Donations of…

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Sar Shalom

Twas a mountain-chilled Christmas morn. Gifts had been opened; hot sugar-glazed cinnamon rolls were overeaten. I loaded our young daughter Elizabeth into a chest pack, left our cabin and started up the road, Valley of the Falls Boulevard. I hoped to work off the calories from the eggnog. Nearing the crest I watched in horror…

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Waiting On The Lord

Yesterday I received another one of my routine junk emails from Redbox with the subject line: “Instant Gratification”.  I instantly deleted it, taking some gratification from that act!  But Redbox’s empty promise of instant gratification lingered in my mind as an unfortunate sign of the times.  Regardless of how much we try to slow down…

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What would it mean for Jesus to come “in this flesh of mine”?

Advent is a Latin word meaning “coming” or “presence”.  We use the word of the season approaching Christmas because we are celebrating the coming of Christ to redeem the world.  We spend a lot of money to buy gifts to give to people.  Merchants promote the Christmas season to push their annual sales into the…

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Travel Plans

Traveling during the holidays is chaotic. Extreme weather, clogged roadways, and overbooked hotels. It is enough to make you frustrated, mad and even a bit cynical. I know over the next few weeks the challenges of seeing family and finding a deal on the quota of necessary presents will take much of our attention. It…

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