Spring Formal: Diamonds Are Forever

IMG_2756Nearly 150 Northwest Christian University students danced and sang the evening away during the “Diamonds Are Forever “Spring Formal held Mar. 12, 2016, at the Downtown Athletic Club in Eugene.  The dance was sponsored by NCU’s student government, the Associated Students of Northwest Christian University (ASNCU).

ASNCU Vice President of Student Activities Michael Buss, a sophomore from Eugene, organized the event and served as DJ. Buss played danced anthems that encouraged the maximum amount of dancing for the maximum amount of time.

“I think people really enjoyed themselves dancing to great music with great people,”  Buss said. “Even though we go to a Christian university, we are still young and we still want to party. So my goal was to create a party environment that still glorifies God and creates the stereotypical “College Party” feel – loud, culturally relevant and nostalgic music accompanied by lasers, smoke machines, and food  –  minus the worldly things that trip us up.”

Buss said that the ASNCU wanted to make sure that as many students could attend the dance as possible.  Students were charged $5 each to attend “Diamond Are Forever.”

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