Dawson, Downes, and Holmberg Captures ACE Day Wins

Molly Holmberg and Natalie Downes present at ACE Day
It was a three way tie for first place in the Fall’19 Academic Creativity and Excellence Day Academic Creativity and Excellence Day or ACE Day, a student research colloquium, that marks the end of each academic semester when seniors and juniors present their final capstone or end-of-term projects. This semester’s ACE Day was Dec. 4

First Place: Grace Dawson (Junior), “Hunger”

Natalie Downes (Junior) and Molly Holmberg Junior,
“What Are The Positive and Negative Effects of a Token Economy? “

Second Place: Noel Balderston (Junior) and Anna Cardwell (Junior), “Healthy Habits & Hobbies”

Third Place: Mary Grace Blaser (Junior), Katia Burke (Junior) & Shivonne Robinson (Senior),
“Can People Recognize Organizational Status Through Vocal Qualities Alone? “

Student presenters provided a short overview of their project or research and then ACE Day attendees asked students questions about the work they presented. A panel of judges comprised from the NCU faculty and staff reviewed each research project presented in a variety of formats, that included: lectures, posters, panel discussions, research talks, musical performances, debates, and a short film festival. Honors students reported on their honors contracts, and students returning from study abroad experiences narrated their travels.

Led by Dr. Doyle Srader, professor of speech and communication, ACE Day was founded on the NCU campus by Dr. Tim Bergquist, emeritus professor of quantitative business.

View abstracts of the ACE Day presentations.