Henton Wins Bash-Whisler Bible Reading Contest

Ariana Henton, a senior majoring in Christian Worship with a music focus won the 2020 Bash-Whisler Bible Reading Contest on Thurs., Feb. 20, 2020. Henton will read or recite her Bash-Whisler passage at Baccalaureate in May. All competitors received a cash award for their work and participation in the contest.

Students from all majors are encouraged to enter the annual contest. Established 58 years ago, student entrants select two passages of scripture, one from the Old Testament, to read aloud, and another from the New Testament, that is recited from memory. Passages are required to be at least 12 verses long.

Jesse Gerlach,  a senior Communications major, placed second. Placing third was Annalee McIntosh, a  freshman majoring in Christian Worship.

Semifinalists were Daniel Gerlach, junior, Communications major; Brad Keller, senior, Communications major; and Purity Maina, a junior Accounting major.

Doyle Srader, Ph.D., professor of Speech & Communications at NCU is the competition coordinator.

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