Aspiring Business Leaders

In this Bushnell University student Q&A, we explore the stories of business students who have chosen to advance their education through programs in Bushnell’s School of Business, Leadership, and Technology and their aspirations to create meaningful impact in their communities.

Faith Palmer

Program: Master of Business Administration (Management)

What inspired you to further your education?

I was inspired to further my education in this field after getting my undergraduate in psychology because of a class I took with Dr. Diffenderfer. When I was taking this class, I was simultaneously taking a social psychology class with Dr. Erin Mueller. The two courses were very similar just with different focuses. This showed me I could take my knowledge of psychology in a different direction. I decided to research more into the business realm, and was inspired by what I saw. 

What impact do you hope to have on the world with your field of study?

I hope to impact the world by working for a corporation my beliefs align with. I want to inspire those I work with in more ways than one. I believe I can do this if I stay in touch with my core values. 

What excites you most about the field of business? 

What excites me most is all the doors that are opened by this field. I could join an array of workforces and achieve whatever I set my mind to. I can’t wait to see where I end up landing. 

Kyle Azure

Program: Master of Business Administration (Management)

What inspired you to further your education?

What inspired me was my mom. She is the most hard-working person I have ever known and she has been my biggest support. I’m the first of my family to finish my undergraduate and pursue a masters. I do it for my family but to prove to myself that I can do it.

What impact do you hope to have on the world with your field of study?

I want to open my own indoor sports facility because when I was younger, my allergies kept me from experiencing outdoor sports for a lot of my youth. I had to go to a different school because of the location and I don’t want kids or anyone to have that issue. On top of that, I have spent quite a lot of my young adult life in indoor soccer in some respect seeing them fail and close. I just want to change the norm and take what I’ve learned to run it so not only can I stay open but be able to create a safe place like the ones I had when I was younger.

What excites you most about the field of business?  

What excites me is that it is so vast. Business can get you into so many different places or businesses. The possibilities are endless, and I plan to make the most of my time before I can open my own facility. 

Jennifer Violette

Program: 4+1 Dual Degree – B.S. (Accounting) and Master of Business Administration (Finance)

What inspired you to further your education through Bushnell’s 4 + 1 undergraduate program?

I am extremely blessed to have been granted the Ford Foundation scholarship for both my bachelor and master’s programs. Having went to school many years ago being able to go back has been a privilege and something I didn’t think would ever happen. Furthering my career, being an example to my family of fulfilling dreams, and showing myself that you shouldn’t ever give up on something you want to accomplish is what inspires me.

What impact do you hope to have on the world with your field of study?

I hope to bring not only the educational background, but also my years of experience. My view of the industry, the changes that can be made to better the field, and my integrity based in my faith are all tools that can be used to create an impact that will ripple and spread.

What excites you most about the field of business?  

The challenges. No two days are the same and there are always new ways of producing data that will create a picture with more clarity for stakeholders. Numbers tell the story of the organization, what their values are and how they want to invest in the community. Stories need to be shared.

Explore Bushnell’s School of Business, Leadership, and Technology

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