MSN Program Achieves Applicant Status

As recently seen in the Register Guard: NCU’s MSN program has achieved applicant status with the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and anticipates an on-site visit September 17 – 19, 2018. As part of the accreditation process, CCNE is accepting 3rd party written comments concerning the MSN program’s qualifications for accreditation. NCU is required…

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Beacon Esports Signs First Four Gamers

Northwest Christian University head esports coach Taylor Lind announced the signing of the first four gamers to NCU letters of intent at a signing event on Friday afternoon. The four players will all compete in Overwatch in year one, with expansion into League of Legends in the plans for year two. Coach Lind said, “We…

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NCU’s Online MBA Ranked #3

Northwest Christian University’s online Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program has been ranked third in Oregon by Online MBA Today, a comprehensive resource for students seeking an MBA online. “NCU’s ranking among the best online MBA programs in Oregon is a reflection of the outstanding faculty and curriculum we offer students,” said President Joseph…

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NCU Athletics Recognized for Writing and Marketing Excellence.

The NAIA-Sports Information Directors Association (NAIA-SIDA) recently announced their annual publications contest results and once again the Northwest Christian University sports information office was honored for work across multiple disciplines in writing, publication and media contests. In all, NCU was honored 16 times in nine different categories. With one first-place finish and a trio of third-place…

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Governor Kate Brown Proclaims July 23-27 Oregon Private College Week; Northwest Christian University Opens Campus to Students, Families

Northwest Christian University is joining 10 other private, nonprofit colleges and universities to celebrate Oregon Private College Week (OPCW) by welcoming hundreds of prospective students and their families to campus. Students who register in advance and visit at least four participating colleges during the week will be eligible for application fee waivers when they apply…

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NCU and Chemeketa Community College’s Nursing Program Sign Articulation Agreement

Northwest Christian University and Chemeketa Community College in Salem, Oregon, have signed an articulation agreement that clears a pathway for graduates of the community college’s registered nursing program to enroll in NCU’s Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science of Nursing (RN to BSN) online program who are ready to take classes in the major. “NCU…

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South Koreans hope for peace but worry about the future – Dr. Song Nai Rhee

As published in The Register Guard on June 23rd, 2018. “Surely this will go down in history as an epochal event,” Jeong Yeoung-su, the honorary chairman of the Korean Chamber of Commerce in Singapore stated, “if it succeeds.” Jeong was reminiscing about his personal witness to the events and the people associated with the June…

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NCU Students Welcome University of Macau Students

Students from the University of Macau’s Shiu Pong College arrive on campus June 21, 2018, for the NCU American Culture and Language Program. “We are excited to welcome the students from the University of Macau to NCU,” said Timothy Veach, Ph.D., an associate professor of business and director of NCU’s American Culture & Language Program….

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Spring Education Consortium Meeting

The Teacher Education Program’s Spring Consortium brought leadership from school districts, cooperating teachers and community members together with faculty to share information and indentify opportunities for program improvement and growth. NCU hosts the consortiums every school year in the fall and spring. Information shared at recent meetings led to the development of NCU’s special education…

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NCU Welcomes Marylhurst Students

Northwest Christian University will accept credits earned by Marylhurst University students, waive application fees and expedite applications from Marylhurst transfers. Marylhurst students working to complete a bachelor’s degree are eligible do so through NCU’s traditional on campus undergraduate program and its online adult degree completion program. For Marylhurst students seeking completion of an MBA, MAT,…

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