Beacon Magazine

Passing the Torch

Bushnell University students have been equipped and educated for lives of ministry in churches and church-related ministries for 128 years. This tradition lives on. University representatives are often asked, “Is Bushnell still equipping and sending people into ministry?” The answer, quite simply, is “yes.” The answer has always been “yes.” Some students graduate and immediately…

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Jocelyn (Aydelott) Hubbs Appointed New Vice President for Student Development

After a nationwide search, Bushnell University graduate Jocelyn (Aydelott) Hubbs ’09, MBA ’14 has been selected to serve as Vice President for Student Development. Hubbs ascended to this position in May after serving in a progression of roles in different departments of the University over a period of 28 years. The Vice President for Student…

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Bushnell Beacons on Beacon Drive

It’s a peculiar scene. College basketball players, pulsing with spring-loaded energy and life, make their way out to the reverent confines of Luper Pioneer Cemetery each fall. These young, curious Beacons have not come out to do mischief, but to take special care of this hallowed ground and the graves within. The men’s basketball team,…

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“Lord, We Went.”

Written by Melisa Ortiz Berry, M.A.  Squeezing between the crowds at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, our group followed an Armenian monk to a side door leading to an area below the main holy site. Walking down stone steps, we passed medieval crosses etched in the walls by the pilgrims who came before. As…

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Ministry and Music Majors

By Kelly Ballard, D.Min. When Christian singer-songwriter Sara Groves wrote the song “Add to the Beauty” in 2005, she inspired devout participants in the work of Christ to offer their best in order to manifest the beautiful character of God in time and space. Those who have truly “beheld the beauty of the Lord” (Psalm…

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Relationships, Relationships, Relationships

By Lars Coburn ’14, M.A.  My current role as Director of University Relations at Bushnell has me on the road. This includes a lot of packing and unpacking, loading and unloading, driving, and flying. One lesson I’m learning as I watch baggage carousels go round and round, ready to claim my suitcase full of used…

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Venture Forward Transforms Campus

EUGENE, Ore. – In October of 2021, Bushnell University launched an aggressive three-year, $14,000,000 Venture Forward campaign. Because of inflated construction costs and generous early gifts, the campaign goal was raised within months from $14,000,000 to $18,000,000. Through gifts from individuals, families, corporations, and granting agencies, all six projects are nearly funded and are close to…

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