Written by Whitney Shoun, M.S., Career Development Coordinator In 2023, potential college students and their parents alike are asking institutions, and themselves, a very important question: “Is higher education worth it?” Students and their parents want to know that they will see a return on their investment, measured by one crucial metric: a better life…
Beacon Magazine
Faculty Scholarship and Service
Research Publications and Presentations Jonathan Alfson, Ph.D. Dissertation (July, 2023). Supporting Learning and Thinking with Multiple Representations in Upper Division Physics Courses. Oregon State University. Angela Doty, M.A. Scholarly Review (2023). Cultivating mentors: Sharing wisdom in Christian higher education. Christian Higher Education. Agametochukwu Iheanyi-Igwe, Ph.D. Presented preliminary results from ongoing missionary re-entry and entrepreneurship study…
Bushnell’s Thriving Culture for Women in STEM
Written by Meredith Goehring, M.A., Editorial Assistant It’s a common story in higher education that women are underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (commonly referred to as STEM). The story is true. In 2023, women made up 28% of the STEM workforce worldwide, and just 24% of the STEM workforce in…
Undergraduate Research: An Anchor of Lifelong Learning
Written by Reed Mueller, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean of the Faculty Trained as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Mueller’s research interests include psychotherapy outcome measurement, community-level prevention programs, and recently, metacognition and information literacy. On campus, Dr. Mueller teaches Neurodiverse Psychology, Theories of Personality, and Psychology of Religion. One of the classic…
Busting Three Myths of a Christian Liberal Arts Education
Written by Stephen Andes, D.Phil, Professor of History I’m a true believer in the ideals of the liberal arts – even, I admit, a believer in their real-world value for today’s college student. But I have a confession to make: defending the liberal arts these days feels exceedingly idealistic, unrealistic, and downright impractical. It can…
The Home Stretch
We’re in the home stretch. At the time of this writing, the Venture Forward campaign has reached $17,700,000 toward our goal of $18,000,000. With six months left in this three-year effort, we’ve had 204 families, businesses, and granting agencies come together with gifts and pledges toward accomplishing six campaign objectives. Womack Residence Hall is completed…
From My Point of View
Written by Glenda (McBride) Hopkins ’60 Dear Christian friends, I am a graduate of Northwest Christian College (now Bushnell University) and have been forever thankful for the foundation which was laid during my years spent there. Faculty and staff saw talents and gifts which I never recognized in myself and their encouragement enabled me to use…
Passing the Torch
Bushnell University students have been equipped and educated for lives of ministry in churches and church-related ministries for 128 years. This tradition lives on. University representatives are often asked, “Is Bushnell still equipping and sending people into ministry?” The answer, quite simply, is “yes.” The answer has always been “yes.” Some students graduate and immediately…
Jocelyn (Aydelott) Hubbs Appointed New Vice President for Student Development
After a nationwide search, Bushnell University graduate Jocelyn (Aydelott) Hubbs ’09, MBA ’14 has been selected to serve as Vice President for Student Development. Hubbs ascended to this position in May after serving in a progression of roles in different departments of the University over a period of 28 years. The Vice President for Student…
Bushnell Beacons on Beacon Drive
It’s a peculiar scene. College basketball players, pulsing with spring-loaded energy and life, make their way out to the reverent confines of Luper Pioneer Cemetery each fall. These young, curious Beacons have not come out to do mischief, but to take special care of this hallowed ground and the graves within. The men’s basketball team,…