Dawson, Downes, and Holmberg Captures ACE Day Wins

It was a three way tie for first place in the Fall’19 Academic Creativity and Excellence Day Academic Creativity and Excellence Day or ACE Day, a student research colloquium, that marks the end of each academic semester when seniors and juniors present their final capstone or end-of-term projects. This semester’s ACE Day was Dec. 4…

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NCU Winter Commencement is Dec. 13; Former Eugene City Manager is Commencement Speaker

Northwest Christian University’s (NCU) Board of Trustees will confer degrees for 92 students who have successfully met the graduation requirements to earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree during commencement ceremonies on Fri., Dec. 13, 2019, at 6 PM, in the Morse Event Center located at the corner of West 11th Avenue and Alder Street in…

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NCU Hosts Latino Professionals Connect

Northwest Christian University was the location for the November Latino Professionals Connect networking event for Latino business leaders in Lane County gathered to exchange information and network in a no-pressure environment with their peers. It was also an opportunity for NCU staff to share information about the University’s academic, athletic, spiritual, cultural, and music programs…

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NCU Hosts International Student Thanksgiving

It was a packed house as 270 international students and guests from Northwest Christian University and Lane Community College gathered for a traditional American Thanksgiving Dinner in the Morse Event Center on Sun., Nov. 17, 2019. Students from across the globe, including Haiti, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Japan, Mexico, and the Pacific Islands shared traditions of…

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Wonder: NCU’s Experience Christmas Concert

Wonder is the theme for this year’s Experience Christmas Concert produced by Northwest Christian University’s (NCU) music department. The University’s 50-member choir and orchestra, including the contemporary women’s group, Willow, will perform Christmas classics as well as creative and innovative musical arrangements and compositions by music students and faculty members on Sat., Dec. 7, at…

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Alumni Turnout For Reunion Weekend

More than 40 alumni and guests from the Northwest Christian classes of 1968, ’69, and ’70 visited campus on Sept. 27 through 29, to renew friendships and share stories about their time together on campus. The Class of ’69 hosted the event. Alumni Weekend kicked off on Friday with a casual dinner get together at…

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RN to BSN Ranked An Oregon Best

Northwest Christian University’s RN to BSN nursing program has been ranked one of the top nursing programs in Oregon by nurse.org. Only CCNE and ACEN accredited programs were ranked by nurse.org’s panel of registered nurses who used industry reputation, acceptance rate, tuition, and NCLEX pass rate as their criteria to identify only the top 10…

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Largest Freshman Class Leads NCU’s Record Enrollment

Northwest Christian University (NCU) has enrolled the largest freshman class and posted the ninth consecutive year of record overall enrollment in the Christian Liberal Arts University’s 124-year history. It is the thirteenth year out of the past fourteen, that NCU has experienced fall enrollment growth over the previous school year. “Students come to NCU because…

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Welcome to Mission Week!

Do you think you are on a Mission? Find out what to do and where to go! Northwest Christian University’s annual Mission Week is Sept. 30 through October 4. There missions-focused chapels on Tuesday and Thursday and a two-day missions fair on Thursday and Friday to learn more from the organizations and people who may…

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Online Accounting Program Ranked 6th Nationally

Northwest Christian University’s online undergraduate accounting program has been ranked sixth in the nation by study.com, an organization committed to providing students and educators with the resource necessary to make informed decisions about education. “NCU is pleased to be among the best online undergraduate accounting programs in the nation,” said David J. Walsh, J.D., MBA,…

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