Nearly 1,000 community members, students, and friends of Northwest Christian University laughed, booed, cried and cheered along with the characters during the five performances of Spring Desserts: A Night of Disney held recently in the Ross B. Evans Chapel on campus. “All in all, it was a smashing hit! We received incredibly positive feedback from…
NCU Graduation Activities Announced
The schedule of events for students graduating from Northwest Christian University has been announced. Graduation is held in the Morse Events Center on campus located at the corner of Alder Street and 11th Avenue on Sat., May 7, 2016, with the Commencement Ceremony beginning at 10:00 AM Graduation festivities begin with Senior Chapel on Fri.,…
Tickets Still Available Desserts: A Night of Disney
There are still a few tickets remaining for tonight’s opening night of Spring Desserts: A Night of Disney, presented by the Northwest Christian University’s Choir & Orchestra, Jazz Band, and it’s talented a capella group Willow. A limited number of tickets are available for performances on Saturday and Sunday as well. Music from Disney favorites…
Professor’s Book is Translated into Arabic
Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church (Baker Academic, 2007), a book by Dr. Ronald E. Heine, Professor Emeritus of Bible and Theology, was recently translated into Arabic by the academic publisher Maktaba Dar El Kalema in Cairo, Eygpt. The book examines how the leaders of the church in the first four Christian centuries…
Montgomery Elected President of ISRI
Dr. Marilyn Montgomery, Ph.D., associate professor of counseling at NCU, has been named the president of the International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI), a prestigious forum for identity theorists and researchers around the globe to share their ideas and findings regarding the problems and prospects of human self-definition. “I am honored to be the…
NCU Student Receives Soroptimist Scholarship
Soroptimist International of Eugene has award Sonja Towner, a Northwest Christian University sophomore Psychology major from Springfield, Ore., a $2,500 Live Your Dream scholarship to offset costs of attending school. “I am so thankful for the Eugene Soroptimist’s generosity and to have been chosen to receive the Live Your Dream scholarship,” said Towner, a transfer…
NCU Student Crowned Miss Douglas County
Raechel Warren, a sophomore from Roseburg, Oregon, was recently crowned Miss Douglas County. “I am so honored and excited to be a recipient of such an esteemed titled,” sad Warren, a 2014 Roseburg High School graduate. “I can’t wait to represent and serve the county and town where I grew up.” A past winner of…
NCU Fills Bins With Warmth
Catholic Community Services of Lane County recognized Northwest Christian University students, faculty and staff for their generosity and work to fill collection bins on campus with new and gently used winter clothes and linens for community members experiencing poverty or homelessness. “I am proud how our campus comes together to support our neighbors in need through…
NCU Does Well in Oregon Colleges Ranked by Earning Potential
Northwest Christian University is ranked 12th among Oregon’s Top 25 public and private universities for how much students earn per year after enrolling in a particular school. According to a recent article in The Oregonian newspaper, based on survey information released by the Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce, the median salary for an NCU graduate…
NCU Students Use Sandwiches to Break Down Stereotypes
Northwest Christian University students will hit the streets on Saturday, April 2, 2016, armed with 150 sandwiches, open ears, and warm hearts when they serve lunch to homeless men, women, and families living in Eugene’s downtown. “Meeting homeless men and women where they are in their journey helps our students break down barriers and debunk…