Update on COVID-19

We continue to monitor activities concerning COVID-19, known as the coronavirus. There are currently no coronavirus cases reported in Lane County. The Oregon Health Authority recommends against closing schools where there are no cases of coronavirus reported. After careful consideration, the NCU administration has made the following decisions to keep our NCU community healthy and…

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Northwest Christian University Transitions to Bushnell University

Northwest Christian University’s Board of Trustees have announced the University will officially change its name to Bushnell University on July 1, 2020. “Over the years the University has progressed from one solely focused on ministry preparation to one offering a healthy liberal arts and professional studies curriculum that includes our long-standing ministerial education and training,”…

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Update on NCU Summer 2020 Mission Trips:

As you can probably guess, we have been processing our annual mission teams and the current outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19) both nationally and internationally. The epidemic and its spread have caused us to reconsider sending our mission teams. The concern is heavy on us as we feel passionately about the commitment to serve Christ’s…

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Ogden’s BlueChip Column Features SHINE

Creating space for reflection and connection. As published in The Register Guard on March 3, 2020. One year ago, early on a Friday morning, fifty women of all ages, experiences and industries gathered to have a slow cup of coffee, a complimentary açaÍ bowl, and honest conversation about professional and personal development. It was magic. Why? Because…

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How NCU is Responding to COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

NCU Community, By now, you no doubt have heard news about the coronavirus called COVID-19.  I wanted to pass along some information about what COVID-19 is and how NCU is preparing for it. Broadly speaking, Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that usually cause mild respiratory illnesses such as the common cold. COVID-19 is…

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NCU Teacher Education Programs Reaccredited and Receive Commendations

Northwest Christian University successfully completed the rigorous process through TSPC (Teacher Standards and Practices Commission) to renew their accreditation through Spring of 2024.  This renewal includes the accreditation of the following programs: Traditional Undergraduate Teacher Education Adult Degree Program for Teacher Education Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Education, including the specialty endorsements in…

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Henton Wins Bash-Whisler Bible Reading Contest

Ariana Henton, a senior majoring in Christian Worship with a music focus won the 2020 Bash-Whisler Bible Reading Contest on Thurs., Feb. 20, 2020. Henton will read or recite her Bash-Whisler passage at Baccalaureate in May. All competitors received a cash award for their work and participation in the contest. Students from all majors are…

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It is the Wonderful World of Disney for NCU Student

NCU senior Kaylin Salladay is going to find out what it is like to work at the “happiest place on earth” when she begins an internship through the Disney College Program this summer at Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. “I have been a big Disney fan my entire life,” said Salladay, a senior biology…

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BLUECHIP: Workforce training in higher ed increasingly aligns with local industry needs

As published in The Register Guard on January 7, 2020. Pathways to employment and advancement The state’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission embeds in its mission the promise of “ensuring an accessible, affordable, equitable, and coordinated network of college and career training programs” for all Oregonians. So the vision for workforce training in Oregon starts at the top….

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NCU Business Dean Dave Walsh gives his take on a Guendelberger’s “On the Clock: What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It Drives America Insane” in Blue Chip’s On the Book Shelf

As published in The Register Guard on December 3, 2019. What you read affects you… What you read affects you: all those words and ideas, the people both behind the books and in the books, all those successes, passions, challenges, failures, and philosophies. How do the books you read influence your life and your business?…

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